Dolph Lundgren, renowned for his roles in films like ‘Rocky’ and ‘Expendables,’ along with his wife, is celebrating their recent acquisition of American citizenship, months following their wedding. Lundgren, originally from Sweden, embarked on his journey to the US four decades ago.
“Finally did it!” exclaimed Lundgren on Instagram this Tuesday. “I’ve been in this country on and off for 40 years now. First as a student then as a fighter and an actor. America has given me some wonderful opportunities and an amazing life. I’m proud to become a US citizen and officially make this my home.”
In a photo shared by Lundgren, he can be seen proudly displaying his citizenship papers and holding an American flag following the ceremony held on Monday. His wife, Krokdal, aged 27, also posted a snapshot on her Instagram, holding her own citizenship papers alongside the flag, expressing gratitude for having dual homes in the US and Norway, which have shaped her identity.
Born in Sweden, Lundgren met Krokdal, originally from Norway, at a gym in Los Angeles in 2019, where she worked as a personal trainer and he as a member. Their romance blossomed, leading to a marriage ceremony in their villa in Mykonos, Greece, last summer. The couple, with a significant age gap, recently collaborated on the movie “Wanted Man,” where Lundgren directed and starred alongside his wife, with both serving as producers.
Looking ahead, Lundgren revealed plans for another project, a comedy, indicating the couple’s professional synergy. He spoke warmly about Krokdal’s maturity despite her youth, emphasizing her resilience through life’s challenges, including a difficult divorce, which shaped her character. Reflecting on their relationship, Lundgren noted their contrasting yet complementary qualities, highlighting their shared passion for creativity and growth.